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Newsletter Featured Articles:

May Meeting at Fred Maytag Scout Center, 6123 Scout Trail, Des Moines.

Meeting presentation by Niah Howard on experiences of teaching the blind the industrial arts.

Iowa State Fair - Volunteer to demonstrate or help with the Club booth.

General Club updates from the President and what to look forward to this Summer.

Educational Classes - Volunteer and provide ideas for fall classes.

Library - Learn how to tackle your large projects.

Show and Tell - Send pictures of your recently finished large projects to to show on the screen.

Preferred Supplier List.

May 2024 Members Meeting

At the May meeting, Niah Howard will be presenting on her experiences with nonvisual woodworking. She has completed training in blindness rehabilitation skills at both the Iowa Department for the Blind and the Louisiana Center for the Blind. Both training centers include industrials arts as a course for all of their students. She will talk about her experiences in those wood shop classes and will discuss the importance of inclusivity and accessibility.

Niah works as an Orientation and Mobility Instructor teaching blind kids and adults how to travel independently with the long white cane. She is a new member of the Des Moines Woodworkers Association and says she has already learned so much from her participation in classes this spring!